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2009 Regal 2220 Faseck

Price: $ - This Listing Is Not Active
Status: Boat is Sold
LOA: 22 ft. 2 in.
Beam: 8 ft. 6 in.
Draft: 34 in.
Weight: 3800 lbs.
Engine(s): Volvo 5.7L Gi DP
Drives: DuoProp
HP: 300
Hours: 90
Fuel Type: Gas
Fuel Cap: 42 US/GAL
Water Cap: 11 US/GAL
Waste Cap: -
Location: Crates Orillia
List Type: Boat is Sold

Ref#. i1464

Price: $ - This Listing Is Not Active

Wow!! Less than 90 hours on this one-owner boathouse kept Regal 2220 FasDeck.

Complete with wakesport tower and Volvo V8 300HP Duoprop.

Rarely do we get trade-ins as clean and as 'babied' as this.

Even with less than 90 hours we still did our thorough inspection and of course this Regal 2220 received a VERY clean bill of health.

Turn key / ready to go to some lucky new owners !!!