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2019 Cruisers Yachts 42 Cantius

Price: $ - This Listing Is Not Active
Status: Boat is Sold
LOA: 43 ft. 2 in.
Beam: 13 ft. 8 in.
Draft: 40 in.
Weight: 28469 lbs.
Engine(s): T-Volvo IPS-D6 500 Joystick
Drives: IPS
HP: 740
Hours: -
Fuel Type: Diesel
Fuel Cap: 300 US/GAL
Water Cap: 80 US/GAL
Waste Cap: 50 US/GAL
Location: Crates Orillia
List Type: Boat is Sold

Ref#. n724

Price: $ - This Listing Is Not Active

We have this boat On-Order arriving in December for the Toronto Boat Show!

Fantastic new model from Cruisers Yachts. The 42 Cantius has all the style and grace of her larger counterparts, but in a smaller footprint. Debuting at the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show, this gem of a yacht is definitely something special. 

Photos taken @ the 2018 Miami Boat Show