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2018 Regal 1900 Surf

Price: $ - This Listing Is Not Active
Status: Boat is Sold
LOA: 19 ft. 10 in.
Beam: 8 ft. 3 in.
Draft: 31 in.
Weight: 3100 lbs.
Engine(s): Volvo V6 200 G5 CAT FWD
Drives: Forward Drive
HP: 200
Hours: -
Fuel Type: Gas
Fuel Cap: 35 US/GAL
Water Cap: -
Waste Cap: -
Location: Crates Orillia
List Type: Boat is Sold

Ref#. n728

Price: $ - This Listing Is Not Active


The Regal 19 Surf is the only 19′ boat on the water with the versatility to raise your adrenaline levels and comfortably cruise to your favorite sand bar. The RegalVue display and Surf System provide the ultimate tool for both the casual and serious surfers while the FasTrac hull allows for faster speeds, better fuel efficiency, and a smooth ride, even in chop. At this extraordinary value, the 19 Surf will change the way you think about surf boats.

Factory Installed Options:
Volvo V6 200 CAT G5 FWD
Colour: X-Treme Red
Gelcoat: ESX Scheme
Black Hull Bottom
Canvas: Black
Interior: Sport Titanium a/ Accent
Surf Option
Regal Vue w/ Cruise Control
Transom Trim Switch
Canvas: Bimini Top
Canvas: Cockpit & Bow Cover
Canvas: Travel/Storage Cover
Helm Seat w/ Flip up Bolster
Cockpit: Seagrass Mat
Canadian Capacity Plate