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2019 Pursuit DC265

Price: $ - This Listing Is Not Active
Status: Crate's Inventory
LOA: 25 ft. 10 in.
Beam: 8 ft. 9 in.
Draft: 34 in.
Weight: 6180 lbs.
Engine(s): T-F150 Yamaha
Drives: Outboard
HP: 300
Hours: -
Fuel Type: Gas
Fuel Cap: 139 US/GAL
Water Cap: 18 US/GAL
Waste Cap: -
Location: Crates Orillia
List Type: Boat Available to Order

Ref#. ns961

Price: $ - This Listing Is Not Active

The award-winning 26 foot dual console sets new levels in design, engineering and performance for this growing segment.

The classic hull was specifically engineered with family fun, casual fishing, cruising and marine sport utility in mind. Luxurious bow seating, port side forward and rear facing seats along with recessed port and stern seating accommodates the entire family and friends on all your adventures.

The DC 265 offers endless possibilities for exploration.