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2021 Regal LS4

Price: $ - This Listing Is Not Active
Status: Crate's Inventory
LOA: 24 ft. 4 in.
Beam: 8 ft. 6 in.
Draft: 34 in.
Weight: 4550 lbs.
Engine(s): Optional Volvo or Merc
Drives: Optional
HP: -
Hours: -
Fuel Type: Gas
Fuel Cap: 56 US/GAL
Water Cap: -
Waste Cap: -
Location: Offsite
List Type: Boat Available to Order

Ref#. ns1492-O

Price: $ - This Listing Is Not Active


Making a statement without subtlety, the LS4 delivers outstanding performance matched with elevated style. This 24-foot bowrider is thoughtfully crafted with means of ultimate versatility without compromising your space or comfort. With innovation and Regal luxury integrated into every element of its design, the LS4 is nothing short of exceptional.