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2025 Regal 2000 ES

Price: On Request
Status: Crate's Inventory
LOA: 20 ft. 2 in.
Beam: 8 ft. 6 in.
Draft: 31 in.
Weight: 3400 lbs.
Engine(s): Optional Volvo or Merc
Drives: Optional
HP: -
Hours: -
Fuel Type: Gas
Fuel Cap: 40 US/GAL
Water Cap: -
Waste Cap: -
Location: Offsite
List Type: Boat Available to Order

Ref#. ns1616-O

Price: On Request


The Regal 2000 ES, may be one of the smallest in Regal’s lineup, but don’t be fooled. There’s nothing little about it. This boat was tailored to the family who wants to do it all on the water, while still being able to fit it into the budget and into the garage between weekends.


FasTrac Hull Design

The FasTrac Hull gives you more control on the water, with up to 26% faster speeds, and at the fuel pump, with up to 30% better fuel efficiency.

Social Seating
A multi-position backrest gives you the freedom to face forward or lounge aft.

Transom Walk-Thru
The transom walk-thru makes boarding safe and keeps the upholstery clean.

Handcrafted Upholstery
The 2000 ES offers handcrafted upholstery, stainless accents and expanded seating to accommodate your needs.

Wide Beam
The 2000 ES features the widest beam in its class. A wider beam means more space while you're out on the water.