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2022 Regal 23 OBX

Price: $ - This Listing Is Not Active
Status: Crate's Inventory
LOA: 23 ft. 2 in.
Beam: 8 ft. 6 in.
Draft: 36 in.
Weight: 3900 lbs.
Engine(s): Yamaha Optional
Drives: Outboard
HP: -
Hours: -
Fuel Type: Gas
Fuel Cap: 73 US/GAL
Water Cap: -
Waste Cap: 5 US/GAL
Location: Offsite
List Type: Boat Available to Order

Ref#. ns1617-O

Price: $ - This Listing Is Not Active


Reach new destinations, and do it in utmost style and comfort with the Regal 23 OBX. Spacious seating can be found from the bow all the way to the transom, allowing you to bring along plenty of friends and family to enjoy a full day of fun on the water. With the possibilities of outboard power, combined with the comfort delivered by its spacious platform the 23 OBX brings together versatility and luxury in perfect harmony.