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2022 Pursuit DC 235

Price: $ - This Listing Is Not Active
Status: Crate's Inventory
LOA: 24 ft. 4 in.
Beam: 8 ft. 6 in.
Draft: 32 in.
Weight: 5350 lbs.
Engine(s): Yamaha
Drives: Outboard
HP: -
Hours: -
Fuel Type: Gas
Fuel Cap: 105 US/GAL
Water Cap: 9 US/GAL
Waste Cap: -
Location: Offsite
List Type: Boat Available to Order

Ref#. ns1633-O

Price: $ - This Listing Is Not Active

The Pursuit DC 235 is packed full of comfortable seating and storage with classic styling throughout.

The value and affordability of the DC 235 is delivered through a fully appointed boat with popular options. Notable standards include plush cushions, standard porcelain marine head, cockpit bolsters and a thorough array of fishing features.

A single dependable Yamaha F250 delivers consistent performance for a variety of water sports from board sports to cruising and fishing.