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2008 Sabre 34 Hardtop Express

Price: $ - This Listing Is Not Active
Status: Boat is Sold
LOA: 34 ft. 6 in.
Beam: 13 ft. 3 in.
Draft: 36 in.
Weight: 15850 lbs.
Engine(s): T-Volvo D6-370
Drives: Inboard
HP: 740
Hours: 625
Fuel Type: Diesel
Fuel Cap: 275 US/GAL
Water Cap: 80 US/GAL
Waste Cap: 30 US/GAL
Location: Offsite
List Type: Boat is Sold

Ref#. b1724-O

Price: $ - This Listing Is Not Active

Wow what a vessel! This freshwater, locally owned and operated 2 owner Sabre was ahead of it's time boasting a highly sought after 'galley-up' design,which is now commonplace in all the new coupe designs. If you haven't had the pleasure of experiencing the renowned Sabre quality, please book an appointment to see this gem. Meticulously maintained and upgraded with some of the best equipment you would expect to find on much larger vessels.

More details to follow.